A VO's Journey Voice-Over Blog

Continue your voice-over education with weekly articles on voice acting, industry news, voice-over tips and tricks, marketing advice, tech features, and much more.

Is Voiceover Being Taken Over By AI - Don't Let Them Jul 13, 2020

I was ‘slapped in the face’ by an advertisement on social media this week that went something like this:

Never buy another voiceover again! 

Download and subscribe to (insert...

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Knowing SEO Is Your Key To Voiceover Success - Are You Putting In The Effort Jul 06, 2020

New to SEO? 

Wanting to know why it has any bearing on your Voiceover business?

Given SEO is a huge subject, I won’t pretend to know it all or give you all the ‘super tips’...

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Your Daily List Of Activities For Beginners in Voiceover - Follow These Jun 30, 2020

I remember it well like it was only yesterday…

I was a young and upcoming voice talent with a burning passion in my heart for voice over and a glint in my eye and a blinding flash of...

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Promote Your Voice Over Business Before You Have Anything to Promote - Don't Let It Stop You Jun 29, 2020

It’s a fair question, 

“I’m new to my voiceover journey, so how do I come up with the content required to present myself in a professional light, like someone who knows what...

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25 Tongue Twisters to Help Your Voice Over Delivery - Your Ultimate Guide Jun 23, 2020

I wanted to start today’s blog by sharing a story from the very famous Stephen Fry,

UK’s celebrated narrator of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series…

So, the story goes that ...

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The 4 Top Plugins every voice actor should have - These Work Jun 17, 2020

- To be smooth, creamy, and noise-free!

It sounds like an advert for a new thick shake, I know… however, it’s also an important subject when it comes to the craft of voiceover and a...

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Dynamic Microphone vs Condenser Microphone Which one is right for you - You Choose Jun 08, 2020

So, today we’ve decided to enter the murky, oily, vacuous world of Microphones, and which one is the right one for you?? Oh, Brother!!

Let me quietly and carefully start by saying, there are...

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5 Reasons You Should Warm up Before Your Voice Over - Don't Lose Your Voice Jun 02, 2020

Hi all, 

I just wanted to share an experience that really stuck with me and I hope it is of great benefit to you and your daily habits on your voiceover journey…

I was watching my cat,...

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Setting Up Your Voice Over Vocal Booth - We All Want One Jun 01, 2020

There’s a point in every voice over journey when we’ll need to move from one recording space to another space and the reasons are endless…

The noisy neighbours, a better suburb,...

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Getting Voice Over Clients Basics 101 - Tips To Get Your Started May 26, 2020

Three tips to market yourself locally... 

It’s no surprise that successful businesses run on the process of ‘getting clients’ and keeping them. The path of your VO...
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Top 10 Voice Over Websites For Voice Actors - These Are Essential May 22, 2020

Today we are going to take a look at the varying features and benefits of the top 10 voice over websites for voice actors today…

In saying that I’ve probably opened the...

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Fiverr is an Important Piece to your Marketing Voice Over Puzzle - The Important Website May 14, 2020

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: It’s all about how you market your voice over business…

Here is the hot tip people, IT IS...all about how you market...

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