A VO's Journey Voice-Over Blog

Continue your voice-over education with weekly articles on voice acting, industry news, voice-over tips and tricks, marketing advice, tech features, and much more.

What Price Does Your Voice Over Brand Command - This Is Vital To Understand May 12, 2020

“So, just in case you didn’t know it yet, you’re a can of soup”…

“What? How do you come to that conclusion?”

“Well, you have a label, don’t...

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How has COVID 19 changed the Voiceover landscape - It Really Has May 07, 2020
We’ve all seen some major changes in our lives today, not just voiceover… our work processes, purchasing food and essential supplies, the way our children have had to adapt...
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How to Pick the Right Voice Over Coach - Experience Is Important May 05, 2020

So you're looking for a voice over coach?


Yes! They do exist!... but you might ask - how should I pick the right voice over coach for me? 

You’ve arrived at the point in...

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How to Get Started in Voice Over - These Will Help May 01, 2020


  1. What’s really important to start?
  2. What’re your goals? 
  3. What’s your niche?
  4. Resources
  5. Equipment required
Ok, so it’s time to roll up your sleeves and...
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3 Professional Voice Acting Tips - Don't Miss Them Apr 28, 2020
  1. Know your audience
  2. Use your body
  3. Tell the story... beneath the story

Sometimes whether you’re a slick and seasoned voiceover professional or a brand new ‘wet behind- the-ears’...

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Voice Over Rates For Beginners - Can Be Confusing Apr 23, 2020

What’s reasonable, expected, or completely over the top?

“So, now I’m set up and ready to go, what do I charge for my voiceover services?”

It’s a question that has...

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Protect Your Voiceover Business From Failure - Tips To Help You Be Successful Apr 20, 2020

Here are 5 tips to ensure your voiceover business becomes productive & continues to GROW!

So, you’ve been thinking about your own business for some time now and you’ve finally...

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Voices.com vs Voice123 - The Ultimate Guide Feb 17, 2020

 As voice actors, we are continually asking questions like: "Which voice over website should I join" and "What is another website besides Voices.com?" or "... Voice123?". 

* Quick Note: ...

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The Price For Success In Voice Over - Not An Easy Path Jan 09, 2020

I'll never forget the first year of my business. It was downright painful. 

I don't mean listening to my work was painful, although it might have been, physically, it was painful. 


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Good Scripts to Practice Voice Acting - Practice Is Everything Nov 01, 2019

Finding good scripts is hard, especially ones that give us the “real-life” practice we need to grow as voice actors.

However, do not lose hope, I have put together three tips and...

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How To Set Up A Phone Patch On $0 Budget 5 Free Methods - You Don't Need Much Oct 30, 2019

Setting up a phone patch for direction in your vocal booth for voice-over is easier than ever. There are five different ways I recommend setting this up without spending any money.

    • What is...
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People Are Sleeping In Voice Over How About You - Go After It Now May 18, 2019

I am excited to talk to you about the people sleeping in voice over right now. And you might be like, Anthony, what the heck are you talking about ... everyone sleeps?

I'm talking about all the...

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