A VO's Journey Voice-Over Blog

Continue your voice-over education with weekly articles on voice acting, industry news, voice-over tips and tricks, marketing advice, tech features, and much more.

Can You Make Money On Fiverr As A Voice Over Artist - Yes! Mar 04, 2021

Absolutely You Can!

I get asked this question a lot and the reality is ... you can make a ridiculous amount of money on Fiverr.

I started four years ago on Fiverr when it had been...

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How Do I Show I Have Voice Over Experience When I Have None - It Can Be Done Dec 16, 2020

When just starting out or trying to get going, what do you put down for experience? How do you bridge that gap?

It's the chicken and the egg conundrum... how do I get experience without any...

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5 DIFFERENT Ways to Market Your Voice Over Business Part 1 - Everything You Need To Know Nov 23, 2020

Marketing, marketing, marketing ... It's the craze these days. Everyone's talking about marketing. And let's be honest, for good reason. Marketing is the single most important activity you can...

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Should I Be Afraid Of Joining Fiverr As A Voice Over Artist And Will It Hurt Me? Nov 16, 2020

Over the last few weeks, I have been asked ... 

"Hey Anthony, should I join Fiverr, even though so many people say that it will be bad for my business and I will get blacklisted from...

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Communication With Voice Over Clients Is Key To Success - Keep Reaching Out Nov 10, 2020

Communication with Voice Over clients is so vital to success, but so often overlooked.

I think it's safe to say that there are so many ways we can reach out to clients these days through...

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The Art of Voice Over - A Business Like No Other Oct 21, 2020

I will never forget when I was a teenager and I went on a field trip to see Phantom of the Opera with my Choral class. 

It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. The art of it all ... the...

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Where I Earn My Voice Over Money - 8 Different Options Oct 19, 2020

With all of the information out there on how to get more clients for your voice over business, I thought it would be a good idea to tell you the sources that are bringing me "Actual" work.


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What Is Your Plan For Success In Voice Over - Don't Leave It To Chance Oct 13, 2020

The saying goes, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. And I would venture to say that most of us are failing to plan right now for success in our...

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Can I get away with using a USB Mic Instead of an XLR Mic For My Voice Over Business? Oct 02, 2020
It’s a question that comes up from time to time and it’s certainly one worth discussing… but more than that, I’d really like to discuss why the question is actually...
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Am I Ready To Be A Voiceover Artist - Why Not Aug 24, 2020
Have you ever looked at a man-made marvel of engineering and thought to yourself, what a spectacular piece of machinery? 
It could be an iconic military aircraft or the latest Tesla...
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Simple Email Marketing Strategy For Voice Actors - Don't Miss It Jul 30, 2020
When it comes to emails, you’ll hear all sorts of opinions relating to them from 
being ‘old news and outdated’, a complete waste of time, to the other end of the spectrum...
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5 Big Tips for Narrating non fiction audiobooks - Be A Pro Jul 23, 2020
As all of us ‘make our way’ on our VO Journey, sooner or later we come across the potential of recording audiobooks… I for one recorded many Audiobooks on ACX at the start of my...
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