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7 Tips to Make Your Voice Deeper for Voiceovers

Jul 25, 2023
learning how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers

Have you ever admired the rich, velvety tones of a voice actor in a movie trailer, or wished your voice had a similarly compelling quality? Learning how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers can be a valuable skill to have – and it isn't as elusive as you might think.

From NatGeo documentaries to the guy who announces 'In a world…' in movie trailers, deep voices have an undeniable allure. They're enticing, memorable, and often resonate with authority and gravitas. And in the world of voiceovers, a deep voice can be a powerful tool in your arsenal.

Interested in learning how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers? Grab a seat and keep reading for some of our top tips to help you get there.




Voiceovers: An Overview

Put simply, voiceovers are the art of using one's voice for various media needs without the voice artist being visible in the final product. 

However, there’s more to voiceovers than meets the eye – or ear. 

As we delve deeper into the realm of voiceovers, it’s clear that this powerful medium merges creativity and technical skill to bring an unseen component to the forefront of different types of content. After all, the essence of voiceovers is not just about the voice; it's about using it as an instrument to evoke emotions, convey information, or become a unique character, all while staying behind the scenes. 

The captivating potency of a voiceover lies in its ability to create an intimate connection with the audience, transforming simple words into immersive experiences, all from a perspective unseen. 

Today, voiceovers are most often used in radio, television production, filmmaking, theater, or other presentations. Here, the voiceover might be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the production or by a specialist voice talent. It's often pre-recorded, placed over the top of a film or video, and commonly used in documentaries or news reports to explain additional information that might not be clear to the audience.

Types of Voiceovers

There are several types of voiceovers spanning multiple industries, and their usage depends on the specific requirements of the production. 

Some of the most common types of voiceover include the following:

  • Commercials: You hear these on TV and/or radio selling a product or service.
  • Narration: This is more about telling a story, and it’s often used in documentaries or audiobooks.
  • Promos: Short for “promotional announcements”, these types of voiceovers are often heard on television to promote the channel’s programming.
  • Trailers: These are short, promotional pieces for upcoming films or TV shows.
  • Animation & Video Games: This is where voiceover really shines! In this case, the voiceover is all about bringing animated characters to life.
  • E-Learning: These types of voiceovers provide narration for online courses and instructional videos.
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): These are the voices guiding you when you call a business, like the voice on a phone system or GPS.

The Importance of Voiceovers

Whether you notice them or not, voiceovers play a crucial role in media and can greatly affect how the audience perceives a message. A few of the reasons why voiceovers are so important include:

  • Creating Connection: In the world of voiceovers, a human voice isn't just a tool for communication – it's a conduit for emotion and connection. 
  • Guiding the Audience: Voiceovers provide essential context, clarify plot points, and highlight key details that might otherwise go unnoticed. In the case of documentaries or explainer videos, the voiceover artist is an invisible guide steering the audience through complex concepts or unfamiliar worlds.
  • Adding Personality: The tone, pitch, and pacing of the voiceover can infuse a brand with a distinct character. Whether it's a bubbly, energetic voice for a children's product or a calm, reassuring tone for a healthcare campaign, the right voiceover brings the brand to life, increasing its appeal.
  • Providing Clarity: Voiceovers are instrumental in instructional videos or e-learning platforms where clarity is paramount. Translating complex information into digestible, engaging content, the voiceover artist breaks down complicated concepts into manageable pieces.

Unveiling the Secrets: How to Make Your Voice Deeper for Voiceovers

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of voiceover, there's always room for improvement and development. 

That’s because voice acting is about more than just reading words off a page – it requires skill, technique, and a keen understanding of how your voice can shape a story or sell a product.




Now, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at some of the best tips to help you learn how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers.

1. Practice Deep Breathing

The secret to a deeper voice lies not just in your vocal cords, but also in how you breathe. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing – the kind that expands your lower belly rather than raising your chest – supports the control of your voice and its pitch. When you breathe deeply, you engage your diaphragm. This muscle's contraction creates a more extensive space for your lungs to expand, allowing more air and resulting in a deeper and more resonant voice. 

To master this technique, engage in daily deep breathing exercises, such as yoga or meditation. These activities will help you develop better breath control, and in turn, a naturally lower voice pitch.

2. Use Your Chest Voice

To understand how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers, it's essential to become familiar with your 'chest voice' – AKA the deeper range of your voice, resonating from your chest. As opposed to your 'head voice', which is higher and resonates from your throat and head, your 'chest voice' embodies a richer, fuller tone. It's this depth of sound that can provide a profound, authoritative character to your voiceover work. 

Understanding how to access and utilize your 'chest voice' effectively can significantly enhance your vocal versatility, allowing you to offer a wider range of vocal performances and cater to a broader spectrum of voiceover requirements.

3. Grab some H2O

Hydration and voice quality go hand in hand. Staying hydrated is extremely important when you're trying to deepen your voice. Why? Well, when your throat is well-hydrated, your vocal cords can vibrate more freely – producing a richer, fuller sound. A dry throat, on the other hand, can constrict this movement, leading to a higher-pitched voice and potentially causing strain or even damage to your vocal cords. 

That said, make sure you're sipping water consistently; that means not just before and during your voiceover work, but throughout the day.




4. Mind Your Posture

Believe it or not, posture has a significant influence on your voice. Maintaining an upright posture, whether you're standing or sitting, is vital for optimal voice production. This position allows your diaphragm (remember him?) to work efficiently, all of which in turn facilitates deeper and more resonant sounds. On the other hand, slouching can inhibit your diaphragm's function and constrict your voice – leading to a shallower, less powerful voice. 

To be conscious of your posture, keep your back straight and your chest open to allow for maximum lung expansion. 

5. Exercise Your Vocal Cords

Think of your vocal cords as muscles – the more you exercise them, the stronger and more flexible they become. Regular vocal exercises can help you lower your voice's pitch, increase your vocal range, and enhance your overall vocal quality. Techniques such as humming at different pitches, practicing scales, and repeating tongue twisters can all serve to strengthen your vocal cords and expand your vocal capacity. 

There are plenty of vocal exercise tutorials on platforms like YouTube to guide you in the right direction. If you’re looking for a more exhaustive approach,  A VO’s Journey also offers plenty of options – like our Authorative Tone Voice Acting Course.

6. Slow Your Roll

Pace is a significant determinant of voice depth. Often, slower speech tends to be deeper and more resonant. When you rush your words, you may inadvertently increase the pitch of your voice, making it sound higher and less powerful. Conversely, slowing down your speech can add depth to your voice and provide you with more control over its tone and quality. 

Stay on top of your pace during your voiceover work, and always make sure that you're speaking slowly enough to articulate your words clearly and maintain a deep and resonant sound.

7. Consider Professional Training

If you're committed to deepening your voice for voiceovers, professional voice training may be a valuable investment. A skilled voice coach can offer personalized feedback, techniques, and exercises to help you achieve a deeper, more resonant voice. Such training can provide you with an in-depth understanding of your voice's unique characteristics and potential, guiding you to utilize it effectively and enhance its depth. 

At A VO’s Journey, for example, we offer specialized voice acting courses and monthly 1-on-1 coaching services to help you achieve your voice acting goals.




Finding Your Unique Voice

Here’s the thing: venturing into the voiceover industry requires more than simply mastering a deep voice. It's also important to recognize the uniqueness of your voice – regardless of whether it's a robust baritone or a light, airy pitch. 

Nowadays, the industry's diversity demands a variety of voices, tones, and styles, which means there's a niche for everyone. With this in mind, focusing on understanding your voice and honing your skills can lead to better results than just striving for depth. 

Authenticity is a crucial selling point, too. And learning how to utilize your voice effectively will set you apart in the field.

While learning how to make your voice deeper for voiceovers can bolster your voiceover abilities, it's just as important to prioritize your vocal health. Listen to your body's signals and give your voice the rest it deserves if you feel any discomfort. It is your instrument, after all.